Another reasonable day for this time of year

The weather remains tolerable with temps around the 70 mark. Just a little too cool for sitting in the gazebo, but tomorrow is forecast at about 74F. Then, the ka-ka hits the fan with temps in the low 50s for the weekend.

Went to my favourite Thai restaurant for lunch, and my favourite waiter , Breeze (actual name) was there to greet me. Apparently, his mother liked the name Breeze (after the detergent) before she learned to speak English, and so she named her son after it, BTW, she’s 5′ – 6″. and he’s over 6′. Delightful people, and great food.

I spoke to the hotel this morning. They had said  they would confirm  our former arrangements (price, etc.) by email, but fortunately they didn’t. I say ‘fortunately’ because we came to an agreement at $200 per month less than we originally agreed. Bonus! 🙂

It is surprising how quickly the days are passing, and so it will soon be time to do the trn arond.

More next time.

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