An (unexpected) early start…

Crowing Rooster in Farmyard

I got a nice early start to the day, although unexpected. When the time changed to daylight saving, I left the clock on standard time – to remind me of the hour that government stole from me.

That was fine until the housekeeper unknowingly changed it to DS. I noticed it last night, just as I was going to bed, but through the night I became uncertain, so I followed my routine of adding an hour to whatever the clock showed. Ergo, I showed up at breakfast an hour early.

It was a pleasant experience, though, because there are few things as pretty as a Georgia morning. It is already in the 70s by then, and birds singing everywhere.

I exchanged some correspondence with the water and sewer admin this week. I am supposed to be on their e-billing system that notifies me by email when a payment is due, but I have yet to receiving a notice.

I also questioned the amount ($70.35) when I haven’t been there or used any water since November 3rd.

Of course, it is never their fault, so I got absolutely nowhere.

I ordered my ‘going home’ shoes yesterday. I always buy new shoes when I’m travelling because you have to remove your shoes going through security, and I must say the experience was positive. It cost me $5.48 for shipping, but I would have paid that much in taxi fare going to Walmart – not knowing whether my style of shoes were in stock.

Spring break will hopefully be over by the weekend. To me, with all the brats running around, it`s like mosquito season.

I will be in touch to wish you a Happy Easter.

Don’t forget my other book, Nor All Thy Tears: Journey to Big Sku – available in paperback, Kindle and Nook formats. See Amazon or Barnes and Noble for details.

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